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Deluxe Garden Summerhouse from Ornate Garden_edited.jpg

Garden Pods FAQ'S

  • How does the garden pod come delivered?
    On the morning of your pod installation, the team will arrive at approx.. 7am – 8am. They will bring all the parts to the area where the garden pod is to be built and then they will build it part by part. As long as the entrance to the build site is the width of a standard single door, we will be able to get each part in without any issue.
  • Are there any hidden costs when buying a garden pod that I need to know about?
    Delivery Installation and VAT are included in the price for *mainland UK customers – the only elements of work you would need to budget for is the preparation of the hardstanding base and the cost of an electrician to hook your pod up to your mains. *For Scottish Highlands, Scottish Islands, Isles of Scilly, Channel Islands, Isle of Wight, Isle of Man or any other outer lying areas of the UK we will need to quote you the cost to get our team to your address - just email us or give us a call.
  • What do I need to do to prepare for the arrival of my garden pod?
    You just need to make sure that you have the correct space allocated for your chosen pod and ensure that there is a hardstanding base that is at least the size of the chosen pod footprint. We are always available to help you with working that out so don’t hesitate to call us on 07940 831707.
  • What hardstanding base do I need for my garden pod?
    It’s important that the pods are installed on a level hardstanding base (if there is a small incline for rainwater to run off or if you have slightly uneven flagstones, don’t worry - we can work with that). The hardstanding can be level paving, flagstones, brick, concrete, decking, composite decking, tiles etc. If you are unsure please call us anytime on 07940 831707 so we can offer advice.
  • Why do I need an electrician for my garden pod?
    Our installation teams are not qualified electricians and we always advise that you arrange for a qualified electrician to hook up your pod to your mains so that they can sign it off as safe.
  • Do I need an electrician on site when the pod is being installed?
    No you don’t, you can arrange for the electrician to hook up your pod to the mains after the pod is installed. The pod comes with everything that you need but you will need to arrange for an electrician to run a cable from your main power source into the back of the pod where the connector plugs are ready waiting for the electric cable.
  • Can I buy the ornate garden pod without any of the interior seating or furniture?
    You can, but we really don’t suggest this. The seating has been cleverly designed to use the widest part of the pod so that you have a maximum amount of floor space – standard furniture will take up valuable floor space and make the pod feel cramped. Because of buying power and economies of scale, you won't be saving by opting not to take the fitted seating and furniture.
  • Once I place my order for my garden pod, how soon will I get an installation date?
    When your order is confirmed we will then call you to confirm the installation date. If this date doesn’t suit you then we will look at the schedules and work through the available dates until one works for all. The general rule is that installation should be complete within 4 weeks.
  • What if I am not ready for the garden pod to be installed on the day of installation?
    We ask that you give us at least 1 weeks’ notice if you need to change the installation date. If we arrive on the morning of your confirmed installation day and you are not ready, there will be a charge for the teams time and fuel so please ensure that you notify us as soon as possible if there are changes to your circumstances or the base is not ready.
  • Do I need planning permission for my outdoor garden pod?
    Our garden pods are classed as outbuildings and so typically fall within your permitted development rights which means you can have one installed without planning permission. There are of course exceptions to this rule so the following may be helpful: If you live in an area called 'designated land.' This might be a conservation area, but these usually have fewer strict rules than national parks. If your pod can't be seen from the road, you probably won't have any issues. If your pod is to be located at the front of your house. This is known as the "Principal Elevation," and it's common for houses to have their main front facing the road. If your pod will be positioned in front of your front door, it's generally a good idea to seek permission. If you live in a listed property you will most likely need to apply for permission to hang your washing let alone have a pod installed! Always best to check with the regulatory authority 'Historic England' if you're living in a listed building as they provide advice and guidance on alterations to listed buildings, including the granting of Listed Building Consent for any changes that might affect a building's special interest.
  • Do you have someone who can come and inspect my property before I order my garden pod?
    For large scale commercial projects where we are installing multiple pods for business use we can arrange a site visit however if you are a private client we can arrange a video call and talk through all your queries – call us on 07940 831707 to arrange this.
  • What do I need to do to maintain my garden pod?
    We recommend that once or twice a year you apply a clear wood oil to the spruce arcs (Osmo Transparent Wood Oil comes highly recommended). The process is quick and easy (some even say it’s therapeutic!). Ideally we suggest applying the wood oil in the spring and autumn. You can either apply the wood oil with a sponge, paintbrush or small foam roller.
  • How do I clean the acrylic or polycarbonate windows of my garden pod?
    Acrylic or polycarbonate glass is incredibly strong (200 x stronger than glass) so whilst it takes a lot of effort to break it, it can scratch easily and can be harmed by strong solvents and harsh cleaners like Windowlene for example. To clean your pod windows either use mild soapy water or opt for a commercial plastic cleaner (like VuPlex) to eliminate dirt. Always use a non-abrasive lint-free or microfiber cloth when applying the cleaner to prevent surface scratching.
  • Can I use the pod as a garden office pod?
    Of course! In fact, a lot of our customers buy the pods for this exact purpose - as an office pod for the garden complete with heating (included) and wifi (a simple plug in).
  • Are your Ornate pods similar to a garden summerhouse?
    Yes, very similar. Our garden pods are insulated for year round use, with double doors on our larger pod units, windows for ventilation and plenty of seating options. Like a summerhouse for the garden, our pods offer flexible seating plans for hosting parties or simply relaxing with a book.
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